You have a sample document provided. Type the Nepali
Document as Provided. [10]
sf7dfg8f} c;f/ !^
ut] . ;+j}wflgs Joj:yfcg';f/ c;f]h # ut]leq d}lns xs sfo{Gjog;DjGwL ;j} sfg'g
alg;Sg'k5{ . ;Dljwfg #! j6f df}lns xssf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . sfg'g kfl/t ug{
;ldol;df 5f]l§b} uPklg ;/sf/n] ;+;bsf] rfn' clwj]zgdf Pp6f klg df}lns xs
sfof{Gjog;DagwL ljw]os k]; u/]sf] 5f}g\ .
Gofo tyf ;+;bo dfldnf dGqfnosf cg';f/ #! j6f d}lns xsdWo] !& laifodf xfn
sfod u/]sf] df}h'bf sfg'gaf6} xs k|rfng
;Dej 5 . cGo !$ ljifodf eg] sfg'g agfpg' kg]{ cj:yf 5 . To; dWo sl/j Ps bh{g
d:of}bf sl/j clGtd r/0fdf k'u]sf]
dGqfnon] hfgsf/L lbPsf] 5 . ;Dljwfg /x]sf #! df}lns xsdWo] ;+j}wflgs pkrf/sf]
xs ;+ljwfgn\ lglb{i6 u/]sf d}lns xs xf] . cGo xsdWo] s]xL xs k|rfngsf nfuL
d}h'bf sfg'g kof{kt ePsf] dGqfnosf] lgisif{ 5 . s]xL xs k|rfngsf nfuL eg] 5'§}
sfg'g cfjZos kg]{5 .
Gofo tyf ;+;bLo dfldnf dGqL z]/axfb'/ tfdfªn] ;/sf/ sfg'g lgdf{0fdf s]lGb|t ePsf]
eGb} ;+ljwfgn] tf]s]sf] ;doleq ljw]os kfl/t x'g] atfpg' eof] . tfdfªn]
eGg'eof], xfdLn] ug{' kg]{ sfdsf] tflnsf agfPsf 5f}F . ;+ljwfgn] tf]s]sf] ;do
;Ldfleq fg'g aGb5 . s]xL ljifodf ePsf sfg'g ko{Kt 5g\ .
cg';f/ ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f #$ df /x]sf] >dsf] xs;DaGwL Joj:yf c3L kfl/t >d
P]g @)&$ af6} ;Daf]Wg x'g]5 . h:tf} wf/f !^ sf] ;Ddfgk"j{s afRg] kfpg]
xsnfO{ klg efbf} ! ut] b]vL nfu' x'g] ck/fw;lxtf / cGo ljifout sfg'gsf] ;Daf]Wg
ug]{ dGqfnosf] lgSof]{n 5 .
wf/f !& sf] :jtGqtfsf] xsnfO{ ;ª\3;+:yf
vf]Ng];DaGwL k|rlnt sfg'g, ebf}af6 nfu'x'g] b]jflg;lxtt, /fhlglts bn;DaGwL P]g
nuot d}h'bf sfg'gn] g} ;d]6\g] dGqfnosf] lgisif{ 5 . ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f !* df
/x]sf] ;dfGtfsf] xs;DaGwL gful/ssf] clwsf/ k|rnsf nflu klg gfFof p]g aGg] 5}g .
sfg'g dGqfnon] pQm clwsf/ k|rngsf nflu xfn sfod /x]sf ckfª\tf ePsf JolQmsf] clwsf/;DaGwL
P]g laifout sfg'g;Fu} d'n'ls ckfw / b]jflg;lxtf kof{Kt /x]sf] lgisfif{
lgsfn]sf] 5 .
Gofo;DaGwL xs klg
ebf}af6 nfu' x'g] d'n'sL b]jfgL sfo{ljlw ;lxtf , d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{lalw
;lxtf / df}h'bf Gofo k|;f;g Pg / sfg'gL ;xfotf;DalGw Pgaf6 ;Daf]wg x'g]
dGqfnosf] lgisif{ 5 . h:t} oftgf la?4 xs klg d'n'sL ck/fw;lxtaf6} k|rlnt x'g]
dGqfnosf] lgisif{ 5 . ck/fw ;lxtdf klxnf] k6s oftgfnfO{ g]kfn sfg'gdf s;'/ kl/eflift
ul/Psf] 5 .
wfld{s :jtGqtfsf] xs ;"rgfsf]
xs / efiff tyf ;+:s[ltsf] xssf nfuL yk gfof sfg'g cfj:os g/x]sf] sGqfNosf]
egfO{ 5 . wfld{s :jtGqtfsf nfuL d'n's b]jfgL / ck/fw ;lxt sfo{ljgog ePkl5 gof
sfg'g cfjZos kg]{ 5f}g . h:t}M ;"rgfsf] xs;DaGwL Pgaf6} ;"rgfsf]
xs;DaGwL P]gaf6} ;"rgfsf] xsk|rflnt x'g]5 .
2. You have a sample document provided. Type the English Document as Provided. [5]
a work setting means to organize it in a way that it develops rather than
impedes human potential. Among the attempts to make bureaucracies more humane
are work teams and corporate day care.
Cultural universal is a value, norm,
or other cultural trait that is found in every group. Although there are
universal human activities (singing, playing games, story- telling, preparing
food, marrying, child rearing, disposing of the dead, and so on), there is no
universally accepted way of doing any of them. Humans have no biological
imperative that results in one particular form of behavior throughout the
Anthropologist George Murdock (1945)
combed through the data that anthropologists had gathered on hundreds of groups
around the world. He com- pared their customs concerning courtship, marriage,
funerals, games, laws, music, myths, incest taboos, and even toilet training.
He found that these activities are present in all cultures, but the specific
customs differ from one group to another. There is no universal form of the
family, no universal way of toilet training children, or a universal way of
disposing of the dead.
Incest is a remarkable example.
Groups even differ on their view of what incest is. The Mundugumors of New
Guinea extend the incest taboo so far that for each man, seven of every eight
women are ineligible marriage partners (Mead). Other groups go in the opposite
direction and allow some men to marry their own daughters (La Barre 1954). The
Burundi of Africa even insists that a son have sex with his mother—but only to
remove a certain curse (Albert 1963). No society permits generalized incest for
its members.
3. Perform the following tasks in MS
Word. [10]
a) Make the three blank
pages where 1st and 3rd page are in portrait
orientation and 2nd pages is in landscape orientation.
b) Give the different
header and footer within a document.
c) Set the watermark
“Operator Google”.
d) Save your document
with password to open.
3. Calculate the result sheet given below. [10]
To be
pass at least 35 marks should be obtained in each subject.
for passed students is distinction for above 80%, 1st for above 60%, 2nd for
above 50% and otherwise 3rd division.
5. A) Create
a table on MS Access with field code SRoll No in auto number, SName in text,
Contact no in number and primary key for SRoll No. and Prepare the form. also Entry the for data. [4]
6. Create a
presentation about Nepal in 3 slides in suitable formatting. [3]
7. Create
the following Task writing HTML code. [3]
Amount Rs
Amount Rs
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