You have a sample document provided. Type the Nepali
Document as Provided. [10]
;Gbe{df s'/f ubf{ ;g\ !(%) clw g]kfn /f0f zf;gsf] g]t[Tjdf lyof] . h'g a]nf
g]kfndf 36gfqmdkl5 g]kfnL ;dfh ljb]zLx?sf nflu dxTjk"0f{ pj{/e"ld aGg
k'Uof] . afx\o ;dks{ a9gfn] / b]z /f0fx?sf] lgoGq0faf6 d'Qm x'gfn] lj1fgx?aLr
;Dks{ / cWoogsf] cfbfgk|fg x'g yfNof] . ;g\ !(%) clw ;+:yfut ?kdf ;dfhzf:qLo
dfgjzf:qLo b[li6sf]0faf6 s'g} ;}4flGts cfWff/df cWoog–cg';Gwfg x'g ;s]sf] lyPg\
. t/ s]xL ljb]zL ofqLx?, Jofkf/Lx?, wd{k|rf/sx?n] g]kfnL ;dfhsf] cWoog u/]sf
lyP . tL cWoogx? ;"rgfx?sf ?kdf dfq ;Lldt lYP t/ klg To:tf ;|f\tx? ;+:s[lts
, /fhlglts / cfly{s kIfx?sf] a'emfOsf nflu dxTjk"0f{ ;|f]t ag]sf 5g\ . ;dfhzf:qLo÷dfgjzf:qLo 1fgsf
b[li6sf]0fn] eg] g]kfnnfO{ Tolt gofF g} xf] eGg] tYo dfGg ;lsb}g . g]kfn
k"jL{o bz{0faf6 a9L k|efljt 5 . k|flrgsfndf ljleGg wd{u|Gyx? h:tf] j]b,
k'/f0f, pklgifb\, uLtf cflbsf] ljsf; ePsf] kfOG5 . log} wfld{s u|Gyx?df ;dfh /
;+:s[ltsf ljleGg kIfx?sf af/]df pNn]v ePsf] lyof] / 5 . To:;}af6 k|efljt
tTsflng ;dfhsf] ljsf;qmd clxn];Dd klg lg/Gt/ rln/x]sf] 5 .
dg'sf] dg':d[lt, sf}l6Nosf]
cy{zf:q, uf}td a'4sf] wfld{s bz{gdf klg ;dfh / ;+:s[ltsf af/]df k|z:q rrf{
ePsf] kfOG5 . o;kl5 klg lnR5lj tyf dNnsfndf klg ;dfh / ;+:s[ltaf/] ljleGg
;dflhs lgod tyf ;'wf/x? gePsf xf]OGg\ . dNnsfndf hol:ylt dNn, /fd zfxn] u/]sf
;'wf/x?nfO k|frLgsfnLg dfgjzf:qLo÷;dfhzf:qLo cWoogdf lgs} 7"nf] 5fk 5f8]sf
5g\ eGg] ul/G5 . To;n] gfsf/fTds k|efj kf/] klg ;dfhsf af/]df a'em\g tL
36gfx?n] 7"nf] of]ubfg lbPsf 5g\ . cf}Bf]lus qmflGt, la|l6; pklga]zafbsf]
lj:tf/, kmfG;sf] /fHoqmflGt, a}l4s hfu/0f cflb sf/0fx?jf6 klZrdL b]zx?af o;
laifosf] cWoog, cg';Gwfg ug]{ k|rng ljsf; ePsf] xf] . To;}sf] k|efj l9nf] g} eP
klg g]kfndf klg kg{ uof] . ;g\ !(%) clw g]kfnL ;dfh / ;+:s[ltnfO{ cfwf/ agfP/
k|sflzt ul/Psf s[ltx? lgDgcg';f/ 5g\
o;/L ;g\ !(%) clw
;Lldt laifox?df dfq cWoog x'g ;s]sf] b]lvG5 h'g ;dfhzf:qLo / dfgjzf:qLo 1fgsf]
clek|fon] ul/sf] lyPg . ;g\ !(%) kl5 g]kfn ;dfh;f:q / dfgjzf:qsf] ljsf;, cWoog,
cg';GwfnnfO{v'Nnf ul/Psf] cj:yf, g]kfndf g} o; ;dfhsf] las;sf[ nflu ljleGg k|oTg
/ g]kfnL e'ld cWoogsfnf nflu lgs} pkof]lu / ;Defagf ePsf] sf/0fn] ljljw txdf /x]/ ;dfhzf:q /
dfgazf:qsf] cWoog cg';Gwfg / ljsf; ePsf] kfOG5 .
o;nfO{ lgDgcg';f/ lgDgcg';f/ pNn]v ug{ ;lsG5 .
s'g} klg j}1fgLs
1fg xfl;n ug]{ k4ltx?dWo] tfls{s / cg'ejfTds klg xf] . j}1flgs 1fg Tof] 1fg xf]
h'g cg'ejdf / ts{df cfwfl/t x'G5 . h;nfO{ lg/LIf0f tyf kl/If0f og{ ;lsG5 .
;dfhzf:qdf s'g} cWoog ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt ;dflhs 36gf Pj\ ljZn]Z0f ul/G5 / cjnf]sg
u/]/ k|Kt tYox?nfO{ ts{sf cfwf/df ;dflhs l;4fGtsf] lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsG5 / ;dfhdf
k"j{:yflkt l;4fGtnfO{ k/LIf0f ug{ klg ;lsG5 . ;dfhzf:q j}1flgs k4ltsf]
pkof]u u/]/ tfls{s Pjd\ cg'ejfTds lj1fg elgPsf] xf] .
2. You have a sample document provided. Type the
English Document as Provided. [5]
Much of the
popularity of Visual Basic comes from its Integrated Development Environment or
IDE for short. In theory, you can edit your Visual Basic programs using any
editor, including the aged Notepad, but I never met a programmer insane enough
to do that. In fact, the IDE gives you everything you need to create great
applications, to write code for them, to test and fine-tune them, and, finally,
to produce executable files. These files are independent of the environment and
therefore can be delivered to customers for execution on their machines, even
if they haven't installed Visual Basic. It
contains the same BASIC like language that has been popular over the years and
it includes all the necessary extension required to produce windows programs. Visual
Basic is not just a languages, it’s an integrated development environment in
which you can develop, run, test and debug your applications.
Upon start
up, Visual Basic 6.0 will display the following dialog box as shown in Figure 1.1
You can choose to start a new project, open an existing project or select a
list of recently opened programs. A project is a collection of files that make
up your application. There are various types of applications that can be
created; however, we shall concentrate on creating Standard EXE programs (EXE
means executable program).
Now, click on the Standard EXE icon to go into the VB
programming environment. Visual Basic applications
are very popular as front end to much client/Server database system like
SQL/Server, Oracle, MS access etc.
If the server is willing to accept e-mail, the client announces whom the e-mail
is coming from and whom it is going to. If such a recipient exists at the
destination, the server gives the client the go-ahead to send the message.
3. Perform the following task in MS Word. [10]
a) Type the following paragraph correctly. [3]
Within the Internet, e-mail is
delivered by having the source machine establish a TCP connection to port 25 of
the destination machine. Listening to this port is an e-mail daemon that speaks SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). This daemon accepts incoming connections and copies messages from
them into the appropriate mailboxes. If a message cannot be delivered, an error
report containing the first part of the undeliverable message is returned to
the sender.
SMTP is a simple ASCII
protocol. After establishing the TCP connection to port 25, the sending
machine, operating as the client, waits for the receiving machine, operating as
the server, to talk first. The server starts by sending a line of text giving its
identity and telling whether it is prepared to receive mail. If it is not, the
client releases the connection and tries again later.
b) Format the typed paragraph as following
criteria. [5]
16 pt font size with bold and italic for heading and center align it.
Apply paragraph
spacing after 12 pt for all paragraph.
Apply line
spacing 1.5 lines for third paragraph and justify it.
footnote "two or more than two computers connected with or without cable"
for the underlined word of first paragraph.
cross reference for the underlined word of second paragraph with first
paragraph's footnote numbers.
c) Insert
a clip art right side of second paragraph, set the text wrapping square and insert caption between
clip art as "Figure 1: clip art picture" from reference. [2]
4. Calculate the Electricity using in MS excel. [10]
Nepal Electricity Authority
Kathmandu Nepal
Miter No
Previous Reading
Current Reading
Consumed Unit
Bill Amount
Ø If unit is less than or equal to 20 unit, RS 80
Ø If unit is greater than 20 unit, amount 7.7 for
extra unit
Ø If unit is grater than 250, amount is 9.9 for extra
5. Create the following tables in database
with give fields enter at least 3 records.
Item ID, Item Descrip, Item Price
PurID, PurDate, PurQty, Item ID
inventory details Report to list Purchase date, Item Description, Purchase Quantity
and Pirie
6. Perform the following task in MS PowerPoint. [3]
Slide: Title Slide
Slide: Insert a table
Slide: Insert a chart based on the table on previous slide.
animation to each object on every slide and transition to make the presentation
7. Write
HTML code to do following tasks. [3]
Display the txt 'Generation of Computer'
in heading 2 formats and insert a horizontal line below it.
Create a ordered list. the list items
should be First generation, Second Generation
Insert an image whose that should be 300 pixel and their height 200 Pixels.
Best of Lock
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