You have a sample document provided. Type the Nepali
Document as Provided. [10]
dfgj Ps ;fdflhs k|f0fL xf] . pm k|flrg ;dob]lv g}
;d"xdf j:g], Pscfk;df ;DaGw :yflkt ug] , ;xof]i ;befk /fvg] cflb qmLofsnfkx?
ug{ yfNof] . o;/L dfgjn] cfkm\gf cfjZostfnfO{ kl/k'lt{ ug}{ qmddf ljleGg
lsl;dsf ;fdflhs ;DaGwsf] ljsf; u/L ;fdflhs ;+/rgfsf] lgd{g ug{ nfUof] . dfgjn]
agfPsf] ;fdflhs ;DaGwx?sf] hfnf] g} ;fdfh xf]
. ;fdfhdf x'g] ;fdflhs cGt/;DaGw, ;fdflhs cGt/lqmof, ;fdflhs ;xof]u ug{ ;dfhdfb]vfkg]{
ljleGg k|ltof]lutfx?, ;ª\\3if{ cflbsf ;DaGwdf uxg ?kn] cWoog ug]{ zf:qnfO{ ;dfhzf:q
elgG5 . cGo ;fdflhs zf:qx?n] ;dfhsf jf/]df cf–cfkm\g} b[li6sf]0fcg';f/ cWoog
ub{5g\ . To;}n] ;dfhnfO{ lj:t[t ?kdf uxg l/sf af6 cWoog ug]{ zf:q g} ;dfh zf:q xf] . ;dfhzf:qsf] cfkm\g} cWoog
k4lt, If]q, ljifoj:t' ePsf] x'gfn] o;nfO{ :jtGq lj1fg klg elgG5 . h;n] ;dfhdf
36g] ljleGg 36gfx? tyf ;dflhs rfnrng, k/Dk/f, k|yf, nf]s/Llt, cflbsf cWoog ub{5
eg]sf] ;dfhsf] cWoog ug]{ zf"q xf] h;n] ;fdflhs hLjg, Jojxf/, ;d:of,
cGt/lqmof, k|lqmof cflbsf] cWoog ub{5g\ . h;/L k|s[lts j1fgn\ k|s[lts 36gfx?sf]
cWoog ub{5, /fhgLltzf:qn] ;/sf/, /fHo, lgod, sfg'g cflbsf] cWoog ub{5 To;} u/L
;dfhs 36gfx?sf] cWoog ug{sf] nflu ;dfhzf:qsf] k|of]u ul/G5 . h'g zJbsf] k|of]u
;j{k|yd ;g\ !*#* df k|mfG;sf bfz{lgs
August Comtw n] /]sf x'g\ . To;}n] pgnfO{ ;dfhZf:qsf lktf elgG5 . o;}n] ;fdflhs 36gf tyf tYox?sf]
j}1flgs vf]h ug{, Too;nfO{ ;dli6ut ?kdf
a'emg, ;fdflhs 36gfx? ;dfhdf lsg / s;/L 36\b5g\ eGg]af/]df j}1flgs 9ª\un] JoVof
tyf ljZn]if0f ug]{ zf:q g} ;dfhZf:q xf] .
pko{'Qm zAbx?sf] cy{af6 s] eGg ;lsg5 eg] ;dfhzfq
eg]sf] ;dfhsf] lj1fg xf] jf ;dfhsf] cWoog ug]{ zf"q xf] . ;dfhdf b]lvg] ;fdflhs
Jojxf/, ;fdlhs k|lqmof, ;fdflhs ;DaGw, ;dflhs cGt/lqmof cyjf ;fdflhs 36gf Pjd\
;d:ofx?sf ;DaGwdf j}1flgs k4ltcg';f/ cWoog ug]{ zf:qnfO{ g} ;dfhzf:q elgG5 .
csf]{ zAbdf eGg] xf] eg] ;dfh Pjd\ ;dflhs lhjg;Fu ;DalGwt ljljw 36gf Pjd\
;d:ofx?sf ;DaGwdf uxg ?kdf cWoog ug]{ zf:qnfO{ g} ;dfhzf:q (Sociology) elgG5 .
s'g} klg ljz'4 lj1fgsf] d'Vo nIo eg]sf] 1fg cfh{g ug'{ xf] . o;n] k|fKt
1fgnfO{ o;/L, p;/L nfu' ug'{k5{ eg]/
Jojxfl/s ?kdf nfu' ub}{g . ;dfhzf:q ljleGg ;dflhs 36gfx?nfO{ j}1flgs cWoog u/]/
n1fg k|fKt ul/G5 . ;dfhzf:qn] s'g} sfd ug{sf nflu ;Nnfx dfq lbg] ub{5 t/ cfkm}F
To; 1fgnfO{ Jojxf/df nfu' ug{ cufl8 a9b}g . pbfx/0fsf nflu ef}ltszf:qsf] k'nsf]
lgdf{g ub}{g, /;fogzf:qLn] /f]lusf] pkrf/ ub}{g . h;/L cGo ljifox?n] ;ª\slnt
1fg Pjd\ l;4fGtsf] k|of]u Jojxfl/s ?kdf
nfu' ug]{ sfd ;dflhs sfo{ Pjd\ cGo ;dflhs lj1fg4f/f ul/G5 . To;}n] ;dfhzf:q Ps
ljz'4 lj1fg xf] eg] Jojxfl/s lj1fg xf]Og .
2. You have a sample document provided. Type the
English Document as Provided. [5]
planners have always faced an uphill task in ensuring energy self-sufficiency.
The main issues in the past have been politics, the absence of a strategic
vision, and policies that forced the country to suffer chronic power cuts. But the
country has a new beginning with a new government that has promised political
stability and economic prosperity.
The other challenge is an engineering
one. Nepal may have one of the highest per capita hydropower potential, but
most of the total 1044MW capacity today comes from run-of-river plants which
depend on the water flow to turn turbines, and not from reservoirs that can store monsoon water for
the dry season.
This means the country suffers from shortfalls in production during winter when peak
demand is highest. There are also the daily peaks in the mornings and
evenings that need to be covered by Nepal’s only storage dam, the 92MW
Kulekhani cascade. Currently, Nepal meets nearly all its peak demand by importing coal-fired electricity from India.
Peak load demand is traditionally met
with electricity from hydropower reservoirs or power plants burning fossil
fuels. But as countries try to meet carbon emission targets, there is pressure
to adopt solar and other renewable energy sources to meet gap.
other advantage is that a project of this scale can be up and running within
two years compared to the decade that it will take for Nepal’s next big
reservoir projects like Budi Gandaki and Tanahu. Solar is also much more
ecologically benign. There is a neat fit: Nepal’s peak demand is in winter when
solar generation is highest because of cloudless skies.
3. Perform the following Task in MS Word [10]
a. Create a document with 9 pages and insert page numbers. The first page three pages should be numbers 1,2, 3; the next three pages should be numbered i, ii, iii and the last three pages be a, b, c.
b. Enter the following text and save the file name your symbol number and Apply 'pscpassword' as password to protect it from unauthorized open.
a. Create a document with 9 pages and insert page numbers. The first page three pages should be numbers 1,2, 3; the next three pages should be numbered i, ii, iii and the last three pages be a, b, c.
b. Enter the following text and save the file name your symbol number and Apply 'pscpassword' as password to protect it from unauthorized open.
Hackers at convention test voting systems for bugs:LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Def Con, one of the world’s largest security conventions, served as a laboratory for breaking into voting machines on Friday, extending its efforts to identify potential security flaws in technology that may be used in the November U.S. elections.Hackers will continue to probe the systems over the weekend in a bid to discover new vulnerabilities, which could be turned over to voting machine makers to fix.
The three-day Las Vegas-based “Voting Village” also aimed to expose security issues in digital poll books and memory-card readers
4. Prepare the following task in excel. [10]
the following data in your worksheet and save it as Excel_YourSymbolNumber in
your folder in desktop. [2]
Loan Amount
Loan Dura on in year
formula for the rate so that it will be 15% if loan Dura on is less than 4
years and loan Amount is more than one lacks, otherwise it should be 9%. [2]
c. Calculate interest = loan amount × loan dura on × rate / 100 [1]
d. Change the value of loan Dura on as necessary to get 95000 in interest. [2]
e. Apply thick line boarder around the table and single thin line for the inner lines. [1]
f. Enter "Interest Calculation" as header and set page number as the bottom center of page. [2]
5. Perform the following task Using MS Access. [4]
c. Calculate interest = loan amount × loan dura on × rate / 100 [1]
d. Change the value of loan Dura on as necessary to get 95000 in interest. [2]
e. Apply thick line boarder around the table and single thin line for the inner lines. [1]
f. Enter "Interest Calculation" as header and set page number as the bottom center of page. [2]
5. Perform the following task Using MS Access. [4]
Field Name
Field Type
Validation rule
Roll No
S Name
have failed (obtained marks<1.6)
have scored more than 2.8
6. Perform the following task in MS PowerPoint. [3]
Create a presentation with three slides
to introduce your village. [1]
Set up slide timing so that first slide
will appear for 2 second, seconds slide for 3 seconds and third slide for 2
seconds. [2]
7. Make the
following table in HTML. [3]
Nigam Narayan
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