You have a sample document provided. Type the Nepali
Document as Provided. [10]
g]kfn b]z cNkljsl't /fi6«sf] ?kdf kl/lrt /fi6« xf] . g]kfnsf] x/]s
If]qdf a;f]af; ug]{ ljleGg dflg;x?sf] leF8df klg xfdL xhf/f}sf] ;+Vofdf cgfy
afnaflnsfx? b]Vg] u/]sf 5f} . ljleGg sf/0fx?n] ubf{ y'k|} afnaflnsfx?n] cfˆgf] cfdfafa'
u'dfPsf 5g\ . ;fy} y'k|} afnaflnsfx? cgfy cf>d klg cf>o lnP/ al;/x]sf 5g\
. sltko afnaflnsfx? kmf]xf]/ l6Kg] / /ft k/]kl5 ToxL kmf]xf]/sf] y'k|f]df ;'Tg]
ub{5g\ eg] sltko ;8ssf k]6L d} lgbfp5g\ . pgLx?sf] /]vb]v ug]{ sf]xL klg
x'Fb}gg\ .
cgfy zAbsf] cy{, cgfy eGgfn] ;dfGo efiff cfdfafa' gx'g]
eGg] a'lemG5 . h:sf] cfdfafa' x'b}g pxL xf] cgfy . p;sf] jl/kl/ xhf/f} JolQm,
cfkmGt tyf gft]bf/ ePklg Tof] afns s]jn PSnf] x'G5 . t;y{ To:tf aflnsfx? cfˆgf]
dfG5] eP/ klg ;8ssf uNnLx?df /ft latfpg afWo x'G5g\ . g]kndf w]/} cgfy
cf>dx? 5g\ hxfF cgfy afnaflnsfx? nfO{ /flvG5 .
afnaflnsfx? eg]sf
b]zsf s0f{wf/ x'g . pgLx?n] vfg], n]Vg], k9\g], v]Ng] OTofbL s'/fx?sf] clwsf/
kfpg' kb{5 t/ ;j} afnaflnsfx?sf] efUo Tolt alnof] eg] x'Fb}g . ;8sdf /ft
latfpg] cgfy afnaflnsfx?sf] cj:yf Psbd g} bolgs /x]sf] 5 . plgx?sf] g vfg]
7]ufgf 5 g t a:g] g} . hxf k'U5g ToxL a:5g / h] e]6\5g ToxL vfG5g\ . t;y{
pgLx?sf] cj:yf nfO{ cjnf]sg u/]/ pgLx? nfO{ /fd|f] eljio lbgsf nflu ;/sf/L
lgsfo af6 tyf JolQm cfkm}n] s]xL kxn u/]df lt nfjfl/; eP/ a;]sf afnaflnsfx?sf]
cj:yfdf s]xL ;'wf/ cfpg] lyof] . To;} x'gfn] ;dfhn] klg pgLx?nfO{ cem a9L
bnfpg] sfd ul//x]sf 5g\ . ufpFsf If]qdf s]xL ;'Wff/ / kl/jt{g cfPtfklg zx/L
If]qdf eg] pgLx?sf] cj:yfdf ;'wf/ cfPsf] 5f}g . cGo If]qdf klg ck]lIft k|ult
xfl;n ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g .
;8sdf a:g] afnaflnsfx?sf] af/]df w]/} h;f] 7fpFdf
cg';Gwfg ul/Psf] ePtf klg o;nfO{ ;dfhdf cem} uxlsnf] ljifosf] ?kdf Nofpgsf nflu
s'g} kxnsf af/]df k|z:t cg';Gwfg eg] ePsf 5}gg\ .
;'lhtf lwtfn -@))*_ n] sf]lknf gfds ;fKtflxs klqsfdf ;8ssf
afnaflnsfx?sf] cj:yf gfds zLif{sdf n]v n]Vg' ePsf] 5 . h;df pxfFn] cgfy afnaflnsfx?sf]
cj:yfdf u/]sf] cWoogsf] af/]df pNn]v ug'{ePsf] 5 . cgfy x'g' afnaflnsf cfkm}sf]
bf]if xf]Og t/ ;dfhn] oxL s'/fnfO{ gsf/fTds
tl/sfn] k'li6 ul/lbG5 . afnaflnsfsf] pYyfgsf nflu rf/}lt/ af6 kxn ug'{ h?/L
/x]sf] s'/f klg pxfFn] atfpg'ePsf] 5 .
2. You have a sample document provided. Type the
English Document as Provided. [5]
Cyber crime
is a relatively new phenomenon in Nepal. However, it has spread its fangs considerably,
mostly in the urban areas with the proliferation of mobile and computing
services. Cybercrime was first outlawed in Nepal only in 2006with the enactment
of Electronic Transaction Act the same year. Prior to that, Telecommunication
Act, 1997criminalized some offences commissioned through the use of telecom
Technology, such as the bypass fraud which still exist.
The new
opportunities created in cyberspace have enhanced the capacity of individual
offenders and criminal networks that have emerged to exploit vulnerabilities in
the new economy. Making an observation of existing pattern and trend of
cybercrime in Nepal, threat of cybercrime is still likely to grow in coming
years because of certain factors. Firstly, there is increasing business that are
potential victims of cyber-crime (such as e-commerce, online banking, online
store), secondly there is rise in number of potential perpetrators, thirdly,
because of lack of precaution the cyber world is being used by general people,
fourthly, the law has not been adequately amended as a need of time, and
fourthly, investigation and lack of cyber forensic has diminished the chance of
being caught. Compared to last few years, the pattern of cybercrime has been
changed today and that will certainly be different in upcoming years.
Previously, the trend of cybercrime in Nepal was limited to email blackmail,
SMS blackmail, illicit publication in online world, data piracy, etc. But now
the perpetrator has been committing different practices such as unauthorized access
of data, phishing, online fraud, online sale of counterfeit products, online
illegal activities such as prostitution.
3. Make a list of 5 Parents and use mail merge
to send notice to all of the invitation card should be as follows: [10]
4. Perform following calculation in Ms-excel. [10]
Calculate Grade. A+ for more
than 100% achievement; A for 100% achievement and B for below 100% achievement.
Create a bar chart to show
the target and production of three places under observation.
5. Create the following table and calculate
the current age of candidate in Ms Access. [4]
CN(Citizenship Number) Name Gender DOB Address
6. Prepare 5
slides presentation using introduction of Loksewa Aayog and apply the slide
transition and Background. [3]
7. Create
the following Task writing HTML code. [3]
) Male
) Female
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